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Payment Type Definition

2 min read

Here we can define the mode of payments like cash payments, credit payments and payments made through credit card etc. In this screen we can Add a new Payment Type, Edit a previously defined Payment Type, Delete an unused Payment Type and Inactive/Activate a Payment Type. Inactive Payment Type won’t be appear in further definition, transaction and reporting screens of the entire system.


  • Here user can define new Payment Type.
  • The Description of the Payment Type would be used in the most of the combo/list boxes throughout the program.
  • The ‘Inactive’ Payment Type could not be used in the Definitions, Transactions, Reports throughout the program.



The maximum length of Code filed is 3. This code is an auto-generated number. This code will be attached to each Payment Type.


Here user should enter the description of Payment Type. The maximum length of this field is 100. User can enter any value alphanumeric value in this filed. 


User can check or uncheck this check box by using mouse click or by keyboard. Here this field is used to inactive Payment Type, which are no more required. The inactive records could not be used in the whole program.


Save button would save the new Payment Type or Edit any changes to previously recorded Group in the database permanently.


Add Button would allow to add a new Payment Type.


Edit Button would allow to edit the selected Payment Type.


Delete Button would allow to delete the selected Payment Type. This Payment Type could only be deleted if its not been used/saved in any of its dependent screens.


The print button would preview the complete Payment Type List. This list can be printed on the required printer on pressing the Print button  at upper left corner.


Exit button is used to close the form.

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