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Subsidiary Mapping

2 min read

Screen Overview:

In the previous two screens, we have made the Subsidiary Groups and Accounts in each Group. In this screen, we would associate each Subsidiary Group with the Head in the Chart of Accounts. The mapping could be made at any level. Once associated, the whenever transaction is made in the mapped Accounting Head, the system would also prompt for its specific Subsidiary Account.


  • Here user would associate each Subsidiary Group to the Heads in Chart of Accounts.
  • Each Subsidiary Group can be mapped with multiple Heads.
  • The mapping could be made at any level in Chart of Accounts.
  • Search the Account from list and enter it to Add in the mapped list.
  • The account should be ‘Checked’ to map it to the selected Subsidiary Group. To un-map an account, just ‘Uncheck’ the checkbox in the list.

The user can provide any narration/notes in the Remarks field.



The combo list shows the Subsidiary Groups. Whenever each Subsidiary Group is selected, the Accounting Heads already mapped with this group would show up in the list.


This is the Account user want to map from the Chart of Accounts list against the selected Subsidiary Group. The user can search the Account from the lookup. On Selecting an Account Code, its detail would appear in the ‘Title’ field. On press ‘Enter’ the Account would be added in the mapped list.


On selecting an account code, its detail would appear in this field.

Mapped Accounts List

The mapped accounts would be checked  in the list. An account can be un-mapped on unchecking  it in the list.


This is the 255 character Length Multi-line Alpha-Numeric field for providing the details/notes for the Subsidiary mapping.


Save button would save the new Subsidiary Group or Edit any changes to previously recorded Group in the database permanently.


Refresh button will clear the entries of the form and will point to the Subsidiary Group.


Exit button is used to close the form.

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