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Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys would be recognized by an Underscore in the letter of label or button. Some common shortcut keys are:

  • Add              Alt+A
  • Edit              Alt+E
  • Delete           Alt+D
  • Print             Alt+P
  • Preview         Alt+P
  • Save             Alt+S
  • Exit              Alt+X

Add Button

The Add Button would allow to add a new record in the particular screen.

Edit Button

The Edit Button would allow to edit the previously entered information in the particular record.

Delete Button

The Delete button would delete the selected record permanently from database. The records can only be deleted if its dependency information is not entered yet.

Print Button

The Print button would allow to preview the required information in the report format. This information can be printed from the printer or export to the available formats.

Preview Button

The preview button acts same as the Print button. It’d preview the report, which could be printed or exported to the available formats.

Save Button

The Save button would save the required information in the database permanently. On missing of required fields and/or duplication of records, the system would prompts the error.

Exit Button

The Exit button would exit and unload the current form.

Export Button

On previewing a report, it can be exported to the common formats e.g. PDF, Excel, Word etc.

Inactive Checkbox

The inactive checkbox appears in most of the definition screens. The inactive records would be frozen from the system and can not be used in the transactions. The inactive records can be re-activated anytime.

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