- Screen and Modules Access (Sales, Purchase, Accounts etc)
- Button Level Control (Add / Edit / Delete / Print / Approve / Cancel)
- Sale Item in a Specific Restaurant only
- Sale an item on a Specific Day or Time (e.g. Wednesday only, Lunch Time only etc.)
- Limit Discount on Item in terms of percentage (%)
- Add Manager Login at the time Item Cancellation
- Allow/ Disallow Discount editing on Sales Order
- Allow/Disallow Tax editing on Sales Order
User Level Rights
- View
- Add
- Edit
- Delete
- Approve
- Cancel
- Back Date Entries
- KOT Re-print
- Allow Entertainment
- Edit an Order
- Only Show Specific Day bills to a User
- Change a Restaurant
- Financial Year Entry
- Item Cancellation (Sales Order)
- Bill Generate
- Bill Re-Generate
- Item Discount
Audit Reports
- Daily Activity Sheet
- Duplicate Print Log with Print User and Time (Sales Invoice, Sales Order)
- KOT Sheet Sequence Report
- Back Date entries Log
- Item Cancellation List