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User Rights and Audit Features

< 1 min read


  1. Screen and Modules Access (Sales, Purchase, Accounts etc)
  2. Button Level Control (Add / Edit / Delete / Print / Approve / Cancel)
  3. Sale Item in a Specific Restaurant only
  4. Sale an item on a Specific Day or Time (e.g. Wednesday only, Lunch Time only etc.)
  5. Limit Discount on Item in terms of percentage (%)
  6. Add Manager Login at the time Item Cancellation
  7. Allow/ Disallow Discount editing on Sales Order
  8. Allow/Disallow Tax editing on Sales Order

User Level Rights

  1. View
  2. Add
  3. Edit
  4. Delete
  5. Print
  6. Approve
  7. Cancel
  8. Back Date Entries
  9. KOT Re-print
  10. Allow Entertainment
  11. Edit an Order
  12. Only Show Specific Day bills to a User
  13. Change a Restaurant
  14. Financial Year Entry
  15. Item Cancellation (Sales Order)
  16. Bill Generate
  17. Bill Re-Generate
  18. Item Discount

Audit Reports

  1. Daily Activity Sheet
  2. Duplicate Print Log with Print User and Time (Sales Invoice, Sales Order)
  3. KOT Sheet Sequence Report
  4. Back Date entries Log
  5. Item Cancellation List

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